

Every child and young person in care must have a Personal Education Plan (PEP), whether they are in education or not, from the term following their 3rd birthday. This is a statutory requirement which summarises the child’s developmental and educational needs, ensures access to services and support; contributes to stability, minimises disruption and broken schooling, identifies any learning needs; establishes clear goals and acts as a record of achievement. The PEP an integral part of the child’s care plan.

The PEP should contain short term and longer-term targets which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed) and achievable. It should also identify who is responsible for ensuring the targets are met, and should build on any other existing plans that the school may already have in place. Detailled guidance relating to PEPs is outlined in the DfE’s Designated teacher Guidance and also WCC’s CAYPIC education Policy available in the resources/ further reading section.

Social workers and designated teachers are jointly responsible for ensuring that PEPs are of good quality. DT’S should familiarise themselves with the Eclipse system and read the Electronic PEP User Guide ahead of conducting their first PEP meetings. Please contact the Virtual school for support and guidance at any time , if help is needed with content, practicalities or technical queries.

Top Tips for Top PEPS

City of Wolverhampton Council