About us

Welcome you to Wolverhampton’s Virtual School

The Virtual School is a statutory service which exists to support and challenge all those involved in the education of children in care. Our main area of work is with compulsory school age children. We also support Post 16 students and Early Years children, with specialised staff allocated to these different areas.

We aim to promote high aspirations and maximise academic attainment of our children and young people in care, and previously looked after children and young people.

We seek to ensure all pupils are given the best opportunities to succeed and develop to their full potential.

The Virtual School monitors and tracks the educational progress and achievement of every child in the care of Wolverhampton City Council.

We challenge schools, settings and other professionals to ensure high quality education is provided and high aspirations are set. We promote inclusion and equality of access for all our children and young people in care, which includes raising attendance and eliminating exclusions.

Our website is designed to provide a ‘go to’ place where you can find information and help relating to all aspects of our work - a place to access information, advice and guidance. We work with a range of agencies and partners to provide a quality service to support schools, related professionals and, most importantly, to ensure our children and young people in care have the very best opportunities to reach their full potential.

Read about the Virtual School’s work over the last academic year in our Annual Report.


Further information...
City of Wolverhampton Council