Children and Young People

Resources and Opportunities – All ages



Artslink - is a programme by the West Midlands Virtual Schools Children in Care Foundation, supported by Arts Connect through their Partnership Investment Programme.

Its ambition is to ensure that all care experienced children and young people linked to a Virtual School in the West Midlands are able to access high-quality arts and cultural experiences. This includes both live activities and an extensive online offer to get arts and creativity happening at home.

Connect and Create - is a new online feature of our Artslink programme, which provides at-home arts and cultural activities specially selected and commissioned for care experienced children and young people. We know that the arts can present a hugely important opportunity for connection and creativity for care experienced children and young people and their key adults and siblings, as well as helping to continue their learning. To find out more please visit the Artslink website.

Encyclopaedia Britannica – Britannica School

Encyclopaedia Britannica – Britannica School

Encyclopaedia Britannica’s editorial team have collaborated with experts, scholars and specialists to produce this really super resource we have given you access to in order to help you with homework, coursework and to find out more about anything else that interests you. It delivers information to meet the needs of all learners from Foundation to Advanced Level – you choose your level. Britannica Digital Learning has been working in partnership with Virtual Schools across the UK to provide a safe, reliable website and one you can explore independently.

Access the resource here: Encyclopaedia Britannica – Britannica School

Please ask your Foster Carer, Social Worker or your Designated Teacher who should have the id number you will require to log in.

Information Brochure

West Midlands Virtual Schools Children in Care Foundation


This is a You Tube Channel procured by the West Midlands Virtual Schools Children in Care Foundation and aims to provide useful and inspiring resources for you.

Meet Jas Ampaw Farr as she shares her stories, Jas hopes to help you to unlock your potential and talks about the truth!

WMVSTV You Tube Channel



Over 65% of 16-year-olds in the country achieve five A* to C grades at GCSE, but for a child in care the figure is closer to 16% – which helps to explain why currently only 6% of care leavers enter university. We know from research that looked after children (LAC) do not regard higher education (HE) as a natural course and will often be looked after by adults who have little experience of HE. Research tells us that HE is a critical first step to better life chances and economic independence for children in care, so raising aspirations is key to improving access to education.

The Aspire2Uni scheme is an awareness raising programme with the aim of increasing the number of children and young people in care achieving successful outcomes pre and post-16 and consequently entering university.

The University of Wolverhampton will work alongside Creating Chances Trust (CCT) and in partnership with the Virtual School to identify pupils achieving level 4 at the end of Key Stage 2 for the programme.

Aspire2uni website

The Children in Care Council

The Children in Care Council

The Children in Care Council is a group of Looked after Children and Young People who help to shape the care system. They are involved with policy changes, delivering training, interviewing new members of staff and getting the voices of Children and Young People heard. The group is made up of young people aged 11 to 18 years old who meet at least once a month.

Being part of The Children in Care Council gives young people a sense of belonging, helps you to gain relevant skills and meet new people. It offers opportunities to visit different areas of the country, go on residential trips, meet with councillors and have a better understanding of entitlements and the care system.

The Children in Care Council members are role models, sharing their views, making sure young people's voices heard and getting involved in decision making.

If you would like to get involved or have any issues you would like to raise, please contact:

Children in Care Foundation - Arts Programme

Wolverhampton Children In Care Website

The Children in Care Council & Care Leaver Collective have designed and produced a website to help children and young people in care.

It is a go to guide to help you get information on being in care and leaving care, the type of support you can access and who to contact.

Wolverhampton Children In Care website



For online support and counselling.


City of Wolverhampton Council