Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) have often suffered considerable trauma and adverse childhood experiences and require additional support to make the best of educational opportunities.
WVS ensures that this cohort of young people are given the opportunity to overcome their barriers to learning.
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children, who are age confirmed as Y11 or under are eligible for statutory schooling after they arrive in the UK, even whilst their asylum claims are being processed by the Home Office. WVS helps to support the process of finding suitable education provisions and additional resources to help with language acquisition, engagement with education and pastoral support.
If you / your child is new to English (Pre-Entry) they are unlikely to be able to read or write English independently and/or have very little if any vocabulary. Learners at this level will always need to work with a helper when accessing learning. Here are some ideas for where to go for online support. Please contact the Virtual school for further advice or support.
Designed for primary age EAL pupils, this site builds topic related vocabulary through the 4 skills. Includes some bilingual material.
A range of vocabulary and grammar games at easy and hard levels.
For more able learners Harrow College and Uxbridge College (HCUC) produced workpack for learners to work through over the summer holidays available free online:
10 things I can do at home to improve my English