Parents and Carers

Progress and attainment data explained for carers


Where the child/young person’s learning is at currently.

  • Is his/ her attainment at the Expected levels for their age, and against national expectations?
  • If it isn’t, do you understand why?


Where the child/young person’s learning is at compared to their starting point.

  • Is he/she making Expected Progress? If not, why?
  • Is there any additional support/intervention he/she would benefit from?
  • What is the impact from any interventions in place?

Things to consider...

  • There is a ladder of ‘Expected Progress’ to demonstrate where a child should be on his/ her educational journey. When a child/ young person is working at ‘Expected Levels’ at the end of Year 2 the school will be aiming to ensure he/she reaches ‘expected levels of progress at end of Year 6 SATS. Progress up the ladder should be consistent each year
  • When a child/ young person leaves Primary school and achieves ‘Expected Levels of Progress’ at the end of Y6, the secondary school should be working to ensure he/she achieves Grades 4-5, and above, at GCSE
  • Watch out for the word ‘Below’ in attainment descriptors. The child/ young person might be in Year 5 but be working to a different Year’s Programme of Study eg. Year 3. Be aware of how far below they are and why
  • Consider whether he/she has SEN. If they have learning difficulties, they might have Attainment Below Expected – but should still be making Expected Progress
  • Don’t accept ‘coasting’. If children are already working at Expected Levels then ask how they might move towards ‘Above Expected'
  • Children in specialist provisions for learning may be referred to as working on P levels (P1 to P8). P levels help track learning at a level significantly below Year 1. The engagement model will become statutory and replace P levels is academic year 2021-2022
  • Children in EYFS (pre-school and Reception) will be working in months and are ‘expected’ to reach a ‘Good Level of Development’ in all areas by end of Reception


City of Wolverhampton Council