Parents and Carers

Admissions and School moves

Parents and foster carers play an extremely important role, providing the much-needed support and security, to enable a successful journey through education and transition into independent adult life.

There is a clear link between stability and educational outcomes so it is important to avoid schools moves unless absolutely necessary.

School moves should be discussed with the Virtual School before progressing. We can help to identify the most appropriate school and ensure it is a good quality school with the right support for children in care. If the child is placed outside of Wolverhampton, we liaise with Virtual Schools in other authorities to ensure we draw on local knowledge and informed advice to help make decisions. We can also ensure the necessary support is in place and assist with transition support.

Children in care are given the highest priority within school admission arrangements. The admission requirements for children in care are set out in the school admissions code, which applies to maintained schools and academies, including free schools.

School Admissions in Wolverhampton


City of Wolverhampton Council