
Social Workers

Our Social workers are key in ensuring the following roles are fulfilled, we work closely with Social care teams to ensure the very best outcomes for our children.

  • To work closely with the Virtual School in all things educational.
  • To consult with the Virtual School if they are considering moving the child’s educational placement or if there has been a change in education provision, i.e. alternative education provision/ modified timetables.
  • Arrange PEP meetings; (1) within ten days of the child coming into care, (2) meetings to be held at six monthly intervals thereafter and (3) within twenty days of the looked-after child changing schools.
  • To initiate the PEP within ten days of the child coming into care by inviting the school, child, foster carers, Virtual School and other relevant professionals to the meeting.
  • To be an education advocate for the child and to pre-populate the social care sections of the PEP form in preparation for the meeting.
  • Ensure that the PEP document effectively captures the key points of the meeting, the needs of the child, their attainment, progress and any achievements or worries with clear timescales and actions for each person (including the child).
  • Close/ complete the PEP document and give copies to school, foster carers, parents (if appropriate), the child (if appropriate).
  • Present the PEP at the first review of the care plan.
  • Initiate a PEP even if a child does not have a school place.

Useful Links

Further information for Social Care Professionals is available on the Department for Education website.


City of Wolverhampton Council